Patient Knowhow -- The Mission

Is global health. Using the Patient Knowhow platform, researchers and doctors from around the world are discovering the best patient education on YouTube and related research on PubMed. Patient Knowhow aims to uncover the most reliable and easy-to-use information about disease prevention, transmission, causes, and treatment.

Our Research on Keeping Track of Papers on PubMed

Our Research on Global Pandemics

Related Research on YouTube Patient Education

With an estimated 1 billion views of patient education videos per year, YouTube has grown into the world's most comprehensive collection of patient education videos in the world.

As studies have shown, YouTube still needs to be organized and rated by medical experts. The best patient education videos for each medical condition can come from unexpected sources, often not the most popular destination sites.

Study on PubMed # of YouTube Videos Useful Misleading
YouTube: a good source of information on pediatric tonsillectomy? Strychowsky JE, Nayan S, Farrokhyar F, MacLean J. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2013 Jun;77(6):972-5 156 26% 2%
YouTube as source of prostate cancer information. Steinberg PL, Wason S, Stern JM, Deters L, Kowal B, Seigne J. Urology. 2010 Mar;75(3):619-22 51 27%
YouTube as a source of information on the H1N1 influenza pandemic. Pandey A, Patni N, Singh M, Sood A, Singh G. Am J Prev Med. 2010 Mar;38(3):e1-3 142 61% 23%
Nervous system examination on YouTube. Azer SA, Aleshaiwi SM, Algrain HA, Alkhelaif RA. BMC Med Educ. 2012 Dec 22;12:126. 129 61%
YouTube as a source of information on rhinosinusitis: the good, the bad and the ugly. Biggs TC, Bird JH, Harries PG, Salib RJ. J Laryngol Otol. 2013 Aug;127(8):749-54 100 45% 27%
Misleading health-related information promoted through video-based social media: anorexia on YouTube. Syed-Abdul S, Fernandez-Luque L, Jian WS, Li YC, Crain S, Hsu MH, Wang YC, Khandregzen D, Chuluunbaatar E, Nguyen PA, Liou DM. J Med Internet Res. 2013 Feb 13;15(2):e30 40 56% 29%
YouTube as a source of information on kidney stone disease. Sood A, Sarangi S, Pandey A, Murugiah K. Urology. 2011 Mar;77(3):558-62 199 58% 18%
Assessing the credibility of the "YouTube approach" to health information on acute myocardial infarction. Pant S, Deshmukh A, Murugiah K, Kumar G, Sachdeva R, Mehta JL. Clin Cardiol. 2012 May;35(5):281-5 104 24%
YouTube videos as a teaching tool and patient resource for infantile spasms. Fat MJ, Doja A, Barrowman N, Sell E. J Child Neurol. 2011 Jul;26(7):804-9 100 10%

More studies about patient education on YouTube

Related Research on Information-Seeking by Patients, Parents, and Caregivers

Patients, parents, and caregivers are seeking the confidence of medical experts when learnng about disease prevention, transmission, causes, and treatments.

More studies about information-seeking by patients

Related Research on Keeping Track of Papers

In our surveys, medical researchers report spending 5-20 hours per week keeping track of related literature on PubMed due to the flood of new papers published every day.